Petting a wallaby in Victoria, Australia.                                                                                    Viewing the Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia.

I'm very lucky to say that traveling has been a big part of my life. In my lifetime, I've been to several countries: France, Canada, China (Hong Kong, Shanghai,
Beijing), Thailand, and most recently, Australia.

In my free time, I like to watch Korean/Chinese dramas, take pictures, and play games. I am also an active volunteer in my community's animal life. Some of my favorite
dramas include Stairway to Heaven and Autumn's Concerto. I'm also a big fan of The Sims' series and the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney! series.

My musical interests include classical and electronic dance music, as well as game and movie soundtracks. Because of this, I have a diverse list of my favorite music genres.
I'm also a big fan of Disney/Disney Pixar, and my favorite movie is Cars.